Christmas Hat Day

Christmas Hat Day
Mandatory good cheer on our annual shopping trip to buy for each other

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Plans Changed

So, all the plans for Thursday changed. Dade has been burning up with fever and I've kept him home from school for the last two days. I think we'll go to the Doctor tomorrow. Dr Jane has diagnosed me with strep throat, so I may be making a trip there, too. You know Dade is sick when he's sleeping all day with me. I can't seem to make myself get up off the couch. So, I had to cancel Thursday night dinner at the VFW. I felt horrible doing it. I really miss the kids and, of course, Dade was crying, still wanting to go even though he was so sick. Hope this weekend still comes together okay. I really cherish our family time much more now that it's so far in between.

1 comment:

steve said...

Micca, we know that you would have been at the VFW this evening if you could. What ever is going around takes time to get over and zaps all your energy. We are so happy that you enjoy spending time with us but it is no fun for anyone when people are sick.
Get Dade well and we will have many more chances to get together in the near future.
Love you all a bunch!!!
Grandpa Steve